Here's a list, not always complete, of my publications:
- F. Belardinelli, I. Boureanu, C. Dima, V. Malvone, "Model Checking Strategic Abilities in Information-sharing Systems", in Transactions on Computational Logic (ToCL), 2024
- F. Belardinelli, I.Boureanu, V. Malvone,S. Rajaona, "An SMT-based Approach to the Verification of Knowledge-Based Programs", Formal Aspects of Computing Journal, 2024.
- B. Shobiri, S. Pourali, D. Migault, I. Boureanu, S. Preda, M. Mannar, A. Youssef, "LURK-T: Limited Use of Remote Keys with Added Trust in TLS 1.3", IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering
- O. Mason, S. Collman, S. Kazamia, and I. Boureanu, "Preparing UK students for the workplace: The Acceptability of a Gamified Cybersecurity Training", the Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice, 2024
- F. Rajaona, I. Boureanu, J. Ramanujam and S. Wesemeyer, "Epistemic Model Checking for Privacy", the 2024 IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF), to appear in 2024; see file here
- R. Miller, I. Boureanu, S. Wesemeyer, H. Zope, Z. Sun, "Systematic Improvement of Access-Stratum Security in Mobile Networks", the 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroSnP), 2023
- K. Budykho, I. Boureanu, S. Wesemeyer, F. Rajaona, D. Romero, M. Lewis, Y. Rahulan, S. Schneider, "Fine-Grained Trackability in Protocol Executions", Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2023, 2023
- F. Belardinelli, I. Boureanu, V. Malvone and F. Rajaona, "Automatically Verifying Expressive Epistemic Properties of Programs", AAAI 2023, 2023
- F. Rajaona, I. Boureanu, V. Malvone and F. Belardinelli, "Program Semantics and Verification Technique for AI-centred Programs", the 25th Symposium on Formal Methods 2023 (FM 2023), 2023; Won best-paper award.
- O. Blazy, I. Boureanu, C. Onete, P. Lafourcade, L. Robert, "How fast do you heal? A taxonomy for post-compromise security in secure-channel establishment", at the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '23 Summer), 2023
- C. Culnane, I. Boureanu, J. Snyman, S. Wesemeyer, H. Treharne, "Formalising Application-Driven Authentication and Access-Control based on Users' Companion Devices", at the 18th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS), 2023
- I. Boureanu, " Formally Verifying the Security and Privacy of an Adopted Standard for Software-Update in Cars: Verifying Uptane 2.0", IEEE SMC 2023, pdf
- R. Miller, I. Boureanu, S. Wesemeyer, C. Newton, "The 5G Key-Establishment Stack: In-Depth Formal Verification and Experimentation", at the 17th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS), 2022, see more here
- A. Radu, T. Chothia, C. Newton, I. Boureanu, L. Chen, "Practical EMV Relay Protection", at the 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S & P, 2022), see more here
- I. Boureanu, T. Chothia, A. Debant, S. Delaune, "Security Analysis and Implementation of Relay-Resistant Contactless Payments", at the 27th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS 2020)
- I. Boureanu, D. Migault, S. Preda, H. Alamedine, S. Mishra, F. Fieau, M. Mannan, "LURK: Server-Controlled TLS Delegation" , at the 19th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE Trustcomm 2020), Track: Security Track
- S. Wesemeyer, I. Boureanu, Z. Smith, H. Treharne, "Extensive Security Verification of LoRaWAN Key Establishment: Insecurities and Patches", at the 5th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE Euro S & P 2020)
- I. Boureanu, S. Ivey, L. Chen, "Provable-Security Model for Strong Proximity-based Attacks: With Application to Contactless Payments", at the 15th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2020)
- G. Avoine, I. Boureanu, D. GĂ©rault, G. P. Hancke, P. Lafourcade, C. Onete, book-chapter "From Relay Attacks to Distance Bounding Protocols", in book "Security of Ubiquitous Computing Systems", editors Gildas Avoine, Julio Hernandez-Castro, Springer
- I. Boureanu, D. Gerault, J. Lewis, "Here and there at once with my mobile phone", at the 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (Secrypt 2019), July 2019
- D. Gerault and I. Boureanu, "Distance Bounding Under Different Assumptions", at the 12th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2019), May 2019
- F. Belardinelli, I. Boureanu, C. Dima, V. Malvone, "Verifying Strategic Abilities in Multi-agent Systems with Private Data-Sharing" (Extended Abstract), at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems 2019 (AAMAS 2019), May 2019
- T. Chothia, I. Boureanu, L. Chen, "Making Contactless EMV Payments Robust Against Rogue Readers Colluding With Relay Attackers", at the 23rd International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (Financial Crypto 2019), Feb. 2019, paper available here
- G. Avoine, M. A. Bingoel, I. Boureanu, S. Capkun, G. Hancke, S. Kardas, C. Kim, C. Lauradoux, B. Martin, J. Munilla, A. Peinado-Dominguez, K. Bonne Rasmussen, D. Singelee, A. Tchamkerten, R. Trujillo-Rasua, S.Vaudenay, "Security of Distance-Bounding: A Survey," ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 51, issue 5, 2018
- K. Bhargavan, I. Boureanu, P.A. Fouque, C. Onete and A. Delignat-Lavaud, "A Formal Treatment of Accountable Proxying over TLS", at the 39th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S & P) 2018, May 2018, full version here
- F. Belardinelli, I. Boureanu, C. Dima and V. Malvone,"Towards the Verification of Strategic Ability in MAS with Private Data-Sharing", at the ACTIONS (Reasoning about Actions and Processes: Highlights of Recent Advances) Workshop, affiliated with KR (Knowledge Representation) 2018
- I. Boureanu and A. Anda, "Another Look at Relay and Distance-based Attacks in Contactless Payments", Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2018/402, May 2018
- I. Boureanu, D. Gerault, P. Lafourcade, "Fine-Grained and Application-Ready Distance-Bounding Security", Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2018/384, May 2018
- I. Boureanu, D. Gerault, P. Lafourcade, C. Onete, "Breaking and Fixing the HB+DB protocol", WiSec 2017, July 2017
- N. Giorgiannis, F. Raimondi, I. Boureanu, "A Novel Symbolic Approach to Verifying Epistemic Properties of Programs", IJCAI 2017, August 2017
- K. Bhargavan, I. Boureanu, P.A. Fouque, C. Onete and B. Richard, "Content delivery over TLS: a cryptographic analysis of Keyless SSL", at the 2nd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (Euro S & P) 2017, April 2017
- I. Boureanu, P. Kouvaros , A. Lomuscio, "Verifying Security Properties in Unbounded Multiagent Systems", 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent systems (AAMAS), May, 2016, Singapore
- I. Boureanu, M. Ohkubo, S. Vaudenay, "The Limits of Composable Crypto with Transferrable Setup Devices", the 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'15), April 14-17, 2015, Singapore
- I. Boureanu, A. Mitrokotsa, S. Vaudenay, "Practical & Provably Secure Distance-Bounding", Journal of Computer Security, volume 23, pages 229 --257, 2015
- I. Boureanu, S. Vaudenay, "Challenges in Distance-Bounding", IEEE Security & Privacy, volume 13, pages 41 -- 48, 2015
- I. Boureanu, S. Vaudenay, "Optimal Proximity Proofs", the 10th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (INSCRYPT 2014), December 13 - 15, pp. 170-190, 2014, Beijing, China
- I. Boureanu, S. Vaudenay, "Compact and Efficient UC Commitments under Atomic-Exchanges", the 17th Annual International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ICISC 2014), December 3 - 5, 2014, Seoul, South Korea
- I. Boureanu, P. Owesarski, S.Vaudenay, "Applied Cryptography and Network Security - 12th International Conference", Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8479, Springer 2014
- I. Boureanu, A. Mitrokotsa, S. Vaudenay, "Practical & Provably Secure Distance-Boundings", at the 16th Information Security Conference (ISC), November 13 -- November 15, 2013, Dallas, US
- I. Boureanu, S. Vaudenay, "Input-Aware Equivocable Commitments and UC-secure Commitments With Atomic Exchanges", at the 7th International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec), October 23 - 25, 2013, Melaka, Malaysia
- S. Bogos, I. Boureanu, S. Vaudenay, "Primeless Factoring-Based Cryptography : Solving the Complexity Bottleneck of Public-Key Generation", at the 11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2013), June 25 - 28, 2013, Banff, Canada
- I. Boureanu, S. Vaudenay, "UC and EUC Weak Bit-Commitments Using Seal-Once Tamper-Evidence", Scientific Annals of Cuza University, vol. 23 (2), pp. 23, 2013
- I. Boureanu, A Mitrokotsa, S Vaudenay, "Towards Secure Distance Bounding", the 20th anniversary annual Fast Software Encryption (FSE), March 10 - 13, 2013, Singapore
- I. Boureanu, A. Mitrokotsa, S. Vaudenay, "Secure & Lightweight Distance-Bounding", the 2nd International Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography for Security & Privacy (LightSec), May 6 - 7, 2013 Gebze, Turkey
- I. Boureanu, A. Mitrokotsa, S. Vaudenay, "Practical and Provably Secure Distance-Bounding", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive: 465, 2013
- I. Boureanu, A. Mitrokotsa, S. Vaudenay, "On the Pseudorandom Function Assumption in (Secure) Distance- Bounding Protocols", at the Second International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America (LATINCRYPT), October 7 - 10, 2012, Santiago, Chile
- S. Bogos, I. Boureanu, S. Vaudenay, "Primeless Modular Cryptography", at Yet Another Conference on Cryptography (YACC), September 24 - 28, 2012, Porquerolles Island, France
- I. Boureanu, S. Vaudenay, "Several weak bit-commitments using seal-once tamper-evident devices", at the 6th International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec), September 26 - 28, 2012, Chengdu, China
- A. Bay, I. Boureanu, K. Mitrokotsa, I. Spulber, S. Vaudenay, "The Bussard-Bagga and Other Distance Bounding Protocols under Attack", at the 8th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Inscrypt), November 28 - December 1, 2012, Beijing, China
- I. Boureanu, A. Jones, A. Lomuscio, "Automatic Verification of Temporal-Epistemic Logic under Convergent Equational Theories", in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi- Agent systems (AAMAS), June 4 - 8, 2012, Valencia, Spain
- I. Boureanu, S. Vaudenay, "Several Weak Bit-Commitments Using Seal-Once Tamper-Evident Devices", IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive: 380, 2012
- I. Boureanu, A. Lomuscio, M. Cohen, "Model Checking Detectability of Attacks in Multiagent Systems", Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent systems (AAMAS), May 10 - 14, 2010, Toronto, Canada
- I. Boureanu, M. Cohen, A. Lomuscio, "Automatic Verification of Temporal-Epistemic Properties of Cryptographic Protocols", Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, vol 19/4, pp. 463 - 487, 2009
- I. Boureanu, M. Cohen, A. Lomuscio, "A Compilation Method for the Verification of Temporal-Epistemic Properties of Cryptographic Protocols", in the Informal Proceedings of the International Workshop on Automated Reasoning for Security Protocols Analysis and Issues in the Theory of Security (ARSPA-WITS), March 28 - 29, 2009, York, UK
- F. Tiplea, C. Barjoveanu, C. Enea, I. Boureanu, "Secrecy for Bounded Protocols With Freshness Check is NEXPTIME-complete", Journal of Computer Security, vol.16/6, pp. 689-712, 2008
- S. Iftene, I. Boureanu, "Weighted Threshold Secret Sharing Based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem", Scientific Annals of Cuza University, vol. 15, pp. 161-172, 2005